Local MSP welcomes Scottish Government funding for Football activity clubs

Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop, welcomes £4 million investment from the Scottish Government in the Extra Time Programme.

The Extra Time Programme, a joint initiative with the Scottish Football Association, supports free before and after school clubs and holiday clubs for children from families on low incomes, offering free childcare provision.

The Extra Time Programme provides after school and holiday activity clubs for primary school aged children, projected to provide 3,000 each week free access to sport and other fun activities outside of school hours.

Commenting Fiona said:

“I was pleased to see the Scottish Government’s investment in the Extra Time Programme double from £2 million to £4 million this year, with £149,700 of this budget being allocated to Broxburn United Sports Club in my Constituency.

“This funding will not only provide children with free access to sport and other activities outside of school hours, but will also provide parents and guardians with opportunities to enter or sustain employment or training.

“Football activity clubs are a vital part of their local communities and this programme allows clubs to provide an important service to support families during the cost of living crisis.

“I welcome this investment, which supports free childcare provision, provides children with access to activities and respite for parents and carers, especially as we enter the Summer Holidays.”