Local MSP Highlights Transformative Scottish Government Housing Policies

Local MSP, for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop is raising awareness of the challenges posed by housing poverty, and highlighted the difference made by the SNP Government in improving access to housing in West Lothian.

Since coming to power in 2007, the SNP Scottish Government have a strong track record of introducing measures to improve the availability of housing in Scotland. This includes; the abolition of Margaret Thatcher’s Right to Buy Scheme, ending fixed-term private lets, and improving tenant’s rights.

Commenting Fiona said:

“The Scottish Government has overseen the construction of 133,409 social and affordable homes since 2007 with 6251 in West Lothian since 2007.

“This shows the Scottish Government’s commitment to ensuring that people across West Lothian have a safe, secure, warm and sustainable home.

“We know the difference this can make to peoples lives and there is a clear effort from the Scottish Government to ensure that the availability of affordable homes in West Lothian continues to grow.

“Unfortunately, this progress is being hindered by damaging Westminster policies like the Bedroom tax and a 9% cut to Scotland’s capital budget.

“As the Scottish Government continues to oppose these cuts from Westminster, the First Minister, John Swinney MSP has announced £600 million for affordable housing which will help improve the availability of affordable housing in West Lothian.”