Local MSP Encourages Constituents to get Flu Vaccine

Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop, has encouraged all eligible people in West Lothian to make sure that they get their winter flu jag to protect them against serious illness this winter.

Scotland had the highest uptake of flu vaccine amongst people over 65 in the UK last winter, with research from the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) showing that 79.8% of people over 65 in Scotland received their winter flu vaccine. This was a higher percentage than in England, Wales or Northern Ireland.

Commenting Fiona said:

“I would urge all of my Constituents, who are eligible, to get vaccinated this winter to ensure that you have the best possible protection against flu viruses which are in circulation.

“The flu vaccine offers strong protection, while the Covid-19 booster reduces the severity of illness and boosts your protection.

“Vaccines will also help reduce the risk of needing to go to hospital with serious illness and help to protect those around you from catch the flu and becoming ill.

“I would encourage everyone in West Lothian who hasn’t already done so to check if they are eligible by visiting the NHS Inform website ( https://www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/immunisation/vaccines/flu-vaccine/).”