Last Chance to Submit Views on Hospital Survey

Local Constituency MSP for Linlithgow, Fiona Hyslop, is alerting Constituents to the Community Survey for the future of St Michael’s Hospital which is due to close on Tuesday 25th June.

Fiona has repeatedly called for the future of St Michael’s Hospital to continue to benefit the community and has previously urged Constituents to fill out the survey which has been created and run by the Friends of St Michael’s Hospital Group and the Linlithgow and Linlithgow Bridge Community Council.

Fiona said,

“Since the temporary closure of St Michael’s Hospital in Linlithgow there has been much discussion and speculation about what can and should be done with the buildings and its expansive grounds.

“The site at St Michael’s Hospital was gifted by the Church to the Health Board in the 19th Century to be used as a health facility and it is believed by many that there is a clear moral and potentially legal case for the land to be returned to the Church if it is not used by the Health Board for this purpose.

“The future use of this facility needs to benefit the community and so it is only right that the community has a say in how this is shaped. I would urge any local person with an interest in the building and its former services to make their views known before Tuesday 25th June by filling out the Community Survey which has been circulating the town since last month.”

You can fill this out online or in person at the Far from the Madding Crowd Book Shop in Linlithgow.