Hyslop Comments on Bield Care Home Closures

Hyslop Comments on Bield Care Home Closures 

Linlithgow MSP, Fiona Hyslop said;

“I fully understand this is a distressing time for residents living in Bield Care Homes across West Lothian and for their families and also for the employees that work with Bield.

“I have spoken to health officials in the Scottish Government and I understand that they have been engaging with the Care Inspectorate and Chief Officers of Integration Authorities to ensure that plans are put in place to ensure that residents’ care needs are a priority and that they will continue to be met in an appropriate setting.

“I have also written to West Lothian’s Health and Social Care Partnership,  Bield and the Care Inspectorate to raise my concerns about Bield’s decision and offer any support I can as the local constituency MSP here in Linlithgow.”