Fiona Hyslop Lodges Parliament Motion to Highlight Importance of St Michael’s Hospital

Fiona Hyslop, MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, has lodged a motion in Parliament calling for a debate to highlight the importance of St Michael’s Hospital in Linlithgow and to ensure it is retained as a hospital facility. For a motion to be debated in Parliament as part of Member’s Business the motion must receive cross party support.

In August 2021 the decision was taken by West Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership to close St Michael’s temporarily using emergency powers, under pressure of short-term staff shortages across West Lothian. In June 2022, a report to the West Lothian Integration Joint Board contained two recommendations – that St Michael’s should remain closed, or a public consultation be held with all relevant parties to review future bed space requirements at St Michael’s.

Fiona commented,

“I have lodged a motion in the Scottish Parliament highlighting the importance of retaining St Michael’s Hospital in Linlithgow as a hospital facility for the north of the county.

“Since the initial closure of St Michael’s hospital in Linlithgow, announced as a temporary measure because of NHS staffing issues elsewhere, I have called for it to be retained and re-opened as a hospital facility for patients across West Lothian. I have met a number of times with the West Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership and the well supported Friends of St Michael’s Group, who are also campaigning for this.

“On February 7th I attended a packed meeting about the future of St Michael’s Hospital in Cross House in Linlithgow, attended by over 170 people, called for by the West Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership. The importance, need and commitment for end of life, respite and step down intermediary care in the north of the county was made very clear by local people in attendance.

“I am aware that the response to the West Lothian Health and Social Care’s bed review consultation is due for publication in June this year and so I hope that this debate will show the Parliament’s collective view that the Hospital must be retained and used for the purpose it was initially intended, when it was first gifted to the Health Board from St Michael’s Church in the 19th Century.”