Fiona Hyslop Supports Lin’Lympics

News, News in Lothian
Fiona Hyslop MSP Supports Local Linlithgow Olympics Linlithgow MSP, Fiona Hyslop attended the Lin’Lympics (Linlithgow Olympic Games) to support the 11 schools(1) throughout the Linlithgow cluster who represented a country in their own mini Olympic and Paralympic Games on May 9th. Commenting on the day, Fiona said; “It has been a tremendous day, 1700 pupils cheered as the Olympic flame was lit at Linlithgow Rose Football Ground and a choir sang to the crowd from the director’s box. “All schools have done extremely well in developing the theme and values of the Olympics and Paralympics, ensuring that the day was enjoyable and accessible to all. “It has been great to see the pupils come together for this event and really showcase the true meaning of community spirit.” -ends- Notes for…
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Hyslop Marks Boghall and Bathgate Caledonia Pipe Band 40th Anniversary

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Marks Boghall and Bathgate Pipe Band 40th Anniversary Local MSP, Fiona Hyslop marked the Boghall and Bathgate Caledonia Pipe Band’s 40th Anniversary on Friday (4th May) at a dinner in Whitburn’s Hilcroft Hotel by delivering the keynote speech. Fiona said; “I am delighted to deliver the keynote speech to mark the 40th anniversary of such a significant piece of West Lothian’s culture. “I am aware that many of the current members that are here today, were part of the pipe band some 25 years ago. This shows a band, who are not just in touch with, but dedicated to their roots and to each other. “West Lothian has a strong sense of culture and Scottish Identity particularly within traditional music and it is fantastic to watch groups like the…
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Hyslop Supports Blackburn School’s Right to be Safe

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Supports Blackburn Schools’ Right to be Safe Local MSP Fiona Hyslop has this morning attended a community conference at Our Lady of Lourdes Primary in Blackburn to support their “Right to be Safe” project. Primary 6 and 7 Pupils from Blackburn, Murrayfield, Our Lady of Lourdes and Pinewood Schools in Blackburn have been working alongside West Lothian Youth Action Project Peer Educators to identify the community life issues and presented their findings through dance, song and drama. Speaking at the event, Fiona Hyslop said, “This conference has been a hugely creative and informative community event and I am delighted to be here supporting the issues that the pupils feel are important to them. “Community life involves everyone living here, regardless of age and it is right that the pupils…
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Hyslop Marks West Lothian International Workers Memorial Day

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Marks West Lothian International Workers Memorial Day Fiona Hyslop MSP for Linlithgow constituency attended and delivered a speech at West Lothian’s International Workers Memorial Day in Bathgate on Saturday (28th April). Hyslop hit out at cuts from the Westminster Government to Health and Safety Executive saying that more and more often, they are simply reacting to concerns rather than proactively policing safety issues. Commenting on the day, Fiona said; “I was honoured to deliver a keynote speech at such an important event, to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day - a tribute in remembering workers who have died, been injured or made seriously ill through work. “West Lothian was an early pioneer of commemorating this day and would like to thank West Lothian Trade Council for developing the day to…
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Council Tax Support Will Help 16,680 of West Lothian’s Most Vulnerable

News, News in Lothian
COUNCIL TAX SUPPORT WILL HELP 16,680 OF WEST LOTHIAN’S MOST VULNERABLE Local MSP for Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop has welcomed the announcement that the Scottish Government and COSLA will protect the 16,680 West Lothian residents who claim council tax benefit from having their allowances cut. In April 2013 the UK Government will abolish the existing Council Tax Benefit and cut the successor budget by 10 per cent. The Scottish Government and COSLA have agreed to cover the cost of the cuts which would have had a serious impact on 16,680 vulnerable West Lothian residents. Fiona commented; “In West Lothian we have one of the fastest growing populations in Scotland, with 16,680 - around a 10th of our residents - having to claim council tax benefit. “This decisive action will continue…
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Hyslop Meets St Joseph’s Primary in Parliament

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Visits St Joseph’s Primary in Parliament Fiona Hyslop MSP for Linlithgow Constituency has met with primary five pupils from St Joseph’s Primary from Whitburn when they visited the Scottish Parliament on today (Wednesday, 18 April )(see photo) Fiona said, “I was delighted to meet with the young pupils students when they visited Holyrood this afternoon. “It is important for young people to meet with their representatives and find out how their Parliament works whether their interests lie in politics, the arts, enterprise or any other field. “We have a fantastic outreach programme at the Scottish Parliament and I am pleased that so many local schools are taking advantage of this.”
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Hyslop Congratulates West Lothian School Hidden Poverty Film

Education News, News
Hyslop Congratulates West Lothian School Hidden Poverty Film Local MSP Fiona Hyslop has congratulated the Seen and Heard Group at St Kentigern’s Academy in Blackburn in winning the Rotary International Young Citizens Award for their film in Hidden Poverty. Commenting after their win, Ms Hyslop said; “This is a wonderful achievement for the Seen and Heard pupils for highlighting such an important issue Scotland-wide as well as at home and I am pleased that UNICEF will be using the pupils’ message as part of their UK wide education Programme. “I have made a point of alerting those I know to the hard hitting film and the song written by pupil Kirsten McDonald and hope that their hard and dedicated work has the right impact on those who see child poverty…
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Hyslop Urges Local Charities to Apply for £10,000 Grant

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Urges Local Charities to Apply for £10,000 Grant Local MSP, Fiona Hyslop is urging local charities across West Lothian to apply for a newly announced funding grant of £10,000 to help improve the support they receive from volunteers. The grant was announced by The Volunteering Action Fund (VAF) and is funded by the Scottish Government. Fiona Hyslop Commented; “This is great news for the charities and organisations in our community who depend on the work of volunteers. “Volunteering contributes a great deal to our economy and I am pleased to see that this has been acknowledged through this £10,000 funding grant. “This funding is open to all registered charities who are working in Scotland who do not currently involve volunteers to any significant extent but want to add value…
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Linlithgow MSP Welcomes Deacon Court to Parliament

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Welcomes Linlithgow Deacon Court to Parliament Linlithgow MPS, Fiona Hyslop organised for Linlithgow Marches group, Deacon Court to have one of their monthly full court meetings in the Scottish Parliament and also invited them on a tour of the Holyrood Building during their visit. Fiona said, “Linlithgow Marches Day is one of the biggest town events in its calendar year and I was delighted to host Mr Jack Adair and his group to the Scottish Parliament for their meeting. “I am always pleased to show constituents or organisations from my constituency around the building, after all it is the peoples parliament and I would encourage a visit to see the architecture and the building at work to all across West Lothian.”
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Hyslop Welcomes Norwegian Students to Parliament

News, News in Lothian
[caption id="attachment_650" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Fiona Hyslop MSP with Elma Birrill and the Norwegian Pupils"][/caption]Hyslop Welcomes Norwegian Students to Parliament Fiona Hyslop MSP met with 16 Norwegian exchange students who are studying at Armadale Academy when they visited the Scottish Parliament this morning. (Thursday 22nd March) Fiona, Armadale’s local MSP, met with the group in the morning before they received tickets for First Ministers Questions and a tour of the Parliament building. Fiona commented; “I am always delighted to meet with different groups from my constituency and enjoy showing them round our Scottish Parliament. “The group of exchange students from Norway were very impressed and showed great interest in the Parliament building and they had some very good questions on the important political issues in Scotland and more local issues in…
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