Local MSP praises progress of Strathbrock Community Garden
Local MSP praises progress of Strathbrock Community Garden Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop, visited the Strathbrock Community Garden, which is run by Broxburn & Uphall Development Group, on Friday 12th April. Broxburn and Uphall Development Group started The Strathbrock Community Garden to enable local people get involved in gardening. Following the visit, Fiona commented: "I was pleased to visit the Strathbrock Garden to see the progress that Broxburn and Uphall Development Group have made since my last visit in 2023. They have certainly made considerable progress in a short period of time. "It is clear to see that the Broxburn and Uphall Development Group is a vital part of the community and the Strathbrock Community Garden is proof of this. "The Garden welcomes children, disability groups and other…