Health Secretary Reiterates Services Commitment at St John’s Hospital

News, News in Lothian
Constituency MSP Welcomes Health Secretary’s Visit to At John’s Health Secretary Reiterates Services Commitment at St John’s Hospital Visit Monday, 01 July 2013 Local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop has welcomed the Health Secretary Alex Neil’s commitment to services at St John’s when he visited the hospital on Thursday. (June 27th) Fiona said; “I welcome the Health Secretary’s strong on-going commitment to paediatric and emergency services at St John’s Hospital and was pleased that he was able to meet with the hardworking staff at St John’s during his visit on Thursday. “The Health Secretary made this commitment very clear and I hope that this will reassure the people of West Lothian of the support that exists for St John’s Hospital and the dedicated staff who work there.” After his visit to…
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Fiona Hyslop Opens Mary Queen of Scots Exhibition

News, News in Lothian
Fiona Hyslop Opens Mary Queen of Scots Exhibition Monday, 01 July 2013 Local Constituency MSP for Linlithgow, Fiona Hyslop opened the Mary Queen of Scots Exhibition in Edinburgh on Friday (June 28th) in her role as Culture Secretary. Fiona said; “Living in Linlithgow, the birth place of Mary Queen of Scots, I was delighted to attend this simply superb Exhibition on Friday (June 28th) – an exhibition that has assembled items that have never before been seen together. “I had the privilege of opening the exhibition and would encourage those in Linlithgow and across West Lothian to visit the National Museum in Edinburgh and see the magnificent display for themselves.”
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Hyslop Supports Youth Congress Events

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Supports Youth Congress Events Local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop has attended events in Linlithgow and Livingston last week (Tues 11th and Fri 14th June) to support the West Lothian Youth Congress. Fiona said; “I began the week at an interesting informal speed dating event at West Lothian College and ended it in Low Port in Linlithgow with a thought provoking Q&A session. “The Youth Congress in West Lothian gives young people the opportunity to discuss issues that are important to them with their local members of Parliament and it gives us a chance to gain feedback from them too. “I am always delighted to attend events with the Youth Congress and make time for those interested in chatting about the future of our communities and our country.”
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Local MSP Marks Volunteers Week in Bathgate

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP Marks Volunteers Week in Bathgate Local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop has visited Carron Court in Bathgate to mark Volunteers Week 2013 (June 3rd -9th). Commenting at her visit, Ms Hyslop said; “I am delighted to be at Carron Court in Bathgate to mark the hugely important work that our volunteers do. “Volunteers Week is a great opportunity to showcase our volunteers and ensure that their dedication and hard work is recognised. “Today I have met many volunteers and staff at Carron Court, run by Bield Housing Association and have seen first-hand the contribution they make to their communities and the benefits they offer our society. “They’re work is an inspiration and I am more than happy to highlight their efforts.”
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Hyslop Welcomes Young Musician to Parliament

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Welcomes Young Musician to Parliament Fiona has met with local Broxburn Academy pupil Connor Smith when he visited Parliament last week (6th June) to mark his win as the Rotary Young Musician 2013. Connor sang “Silent Noon” by Raloh Vaugh-Williams and “Des Blinis” from The Magic Flute by Mozart. “I am thrilled that Connor has won such a prestigious award. To come first in a UK and Ireland wide Competition which started off with over six thousand entries is such a fantastic result. “We have so much musical talent in West Lothian and I am always pleased to hear of the successes of young people enjoying the arts.”
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Hyslop Highlights broxburn Sports Club in Voluntary Sector Speech

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Highlights Broxburn Sports Club in Voluntary Sector Speech in Parliament Local MSP Fiona Hyslop has spoken in Parliament this week (Tuesday 28th May) about the importance of the third sector in Scotland and made specific reference to Broxburn United Sports Club in West Lothian. Fiona commented, “The voluntary sector in West Lothian is hugely important to each and every community and I was pleased to highlight the Sports Club in Broxburn who have benefited from voluntary sector funding from the Bank of Scotland Foundation.” In her speech, Fiona referenced the local sports club saying; “I’m particularly pleased to note that, in my own constituency of Linlithgow, Broxburn United Sports Club has received over £13,000 from the (Bank of Scotland) Foundation in the last 2 years to improve facilities. “Recognised…
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Bathgate and Boghall Win at British Pipe Band Championships

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Congratulates Boghall and Bathgate Win at British Pipe Band Championships Local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop has congratulated the Boghall and Bathgate Novice Juveniles for coming first at the British Pipe Band Championships in Bathgate on Saturday. (25th May) Fiona said; “Despite competition from 21 other juvenile bands, I am delighted that Boghall and Bathgate Novice Juveniles came first at the British Pipe Band Championships at the weekend. “This win shows the hard work and determination put in by the band and all those involved and I was very pleased to be there personally on the day to support them. “The Boghall and Bathgate Grade 1 team - who picked up second prize – also delivered a fantastic performance in a very tight contest.”
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Hyslop Marks British Pipe Band Championships in Bathgate

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Marks British Pipe Band Championships in Bathgate Local constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop marked the British Pipe Band Championships on Saturday (May 25th) by attending their reception and awards ceremony at Meadow Park in Bathgate. Fiona said; “I am delighted to support this event, particularly when we have so much local talent watching and participating in today’s championships. “West Lothian has a strong sense of culture and a strong Scottish identity particularly within traditional music and it is fantastic to have such a prestigious event on our doorsteps.”
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Hyslop Supports Home Grown Goods in Armadale

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Supports Home Grown Goods in Armadale Local MSP, Fiona Hyslop visited Armadale’s Community Growing Garden to support the good work done by their volunteers over the recent months, promote local produce and gardening projects in the community and to see the progress of the planting season. Fiona said; “Despite the bad weather we have had this spring, the group who runs the growing garden in Armadale are continuing to work hard to keep the garden beautiful for those who visit. “A huge number of volunteers dedicate a lot of time and effort to this garden and I am always happy to hear their news and support their work which actively promotes growing your own vegetables and eating a healthy diet.”
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Hyslop Celebrates West Lothian 42nd Highland Games

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Celebrates West Lothian 42nd Highland Games May 15th 2013 Local MSP, Fiona Hyslop attended the West Lothian Chieftains Parade and Highland Games as a Games Association guest at the weekend. Commenting on the day Ms Hyslop said; “The Highland Games in Meadow Park this year, as always, has been a triumphant success. Despite the weather, the crowds came out in droves and helped build the momentum for the British Pipe Band Championships next weekend in Bathgate. “The event is run solely by local volunteers and they deserve massive congratulations for the important work they do and the enjoyable day they have delivered for their community.”
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