Hyslop Encourages Constituents to Get Winter Ready

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Encourages Constituents to Get Winter Ready Local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop is urging her constituents across West Lothian to ensure they are prepared and ready for winter. Fiona said: “We have already seen the first amber warning of this winter with storm Abigail sending snow and high winds across the region. Severe weather can strike at any time and it is important that we prepare for this and take action as early as possible. “I would also encourage people to look out for others in winter time when older people and those more vulnerable can sometimes feel stuck in their homes due to bad weather. “I would urge my constituents not to travel in bad weather unless it’s unavoidable and keep supplies in your car and house in case…
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Hyslop Highlights Youth Link Work in Local Constituency

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Highlights Youth Link Work in Local Constituency Local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop met with young person Billy Lauderdale and his youth support worker Declan Harrigan to highlight Youth Link work in West Lothian. More Choices, More Chances supports young people in various stages of their life with school support and working with those who have disengaged from school or with other needs. Fiona commented; “It was great to meet Billy and his youth worker Declan at my constituency office in Whitburn and to discuss the youth issues that are important to him and to young people in West Lothian. “Youth work of this kind is very personal to the young person involved, tailoring any training or support to their specific needs. It can make the world of difference to…
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Hyslop Opens Redeveloped MacKinnon Scout Hall

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Opens Redeveloped MacKinnon Scout Hall Local Constituency MSP for Linlithgow, Fiona Hyslop has officially opened the redeveloped MacKinnon Hall in Linlithgow Bridge at a ceremony on Sunday (15th November). Fiona cut the ribbon and said a few words at the ceremony. Speaking after the event Fiona said; “I was delighted to be invited to officially reopen MacKinnon Hall and recognise the achievements of the 4th Scout Group and Committee. The town and the businesses of the town have been of huge support and have given generously, recognising the role of the Scouting movement in our community. This building has been redeveloped to create an energy efficient facility for the local community. “The time and money that the 4th Scout Group has tirelessly committed to redeveloping MacKinnon hall is significant…
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Hyslop Unveils Wojtek the Bear Memorial

Education News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Unveils Wojtek the Bear Memorial Local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop spoke at the unveiling of a memorial to mark the work of Wojtek the Polish Soldier Bear in her capacity as Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Europe and External Affairs. The event that was organised by the Wojtek Memorial Trust took place on Saturday (7th Nov). Wojtek - dubbed the "Soldier Bear" - was adopted by Polish troops and helped them carry ammunition at the Battle of Monte Cassino. After the war he lived in Scotland at Hutton in Berwickshire, before ending his days in Edinburgh Zoo. Commenting after the event, Fiona said; “Wojtek the soldier bear has come to symbolise our strong relationship with Poland and I’m delighted we now have a permanent memorial to Wojtek and his comrades…
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Hyslop Highlights Importance of Fairtrade in Whitburn

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Highlights Importance of Fairtrade in Whitburn Local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop has highlighted the importance of Fairtrade in Whitburn in her constituency at their Coffee Morning on Saturday. (7th Nov) Speaking after the event, Ms Hyslop said; “I was delighted to attend Whitburn’s coffee morning at the weekend. The Fairtrade initiative helps to alleviate poverty and give opportunities to producers and workers who are economically disadvantaged due to the conventional trading system. “As well as Whitburn Bathgate, Uphall and Linlithgow have all achieved Fairtrade town a status, which is a credit to the hard work of the local steering groups. Organising an event like this is a fantastic opportunity to showcase the importance of Fairtrade status in our local communities.”
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Fiona Welcomes Treatment Centre Investment Announcement for St John’s Hospital

Education News, News in Lothian
Fiona Welcomes Treatment Centre Investment Announcement for St John’s Hospital Local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop has welcomed the announcement made by the First Minister during her Keynote Speech at SNP Conference in Aberdeen this weekend (Saturday, 17th October) that St John’s Hospital in Livingston will receive a share of £200 million to build an elective treatment centre. Fiona commented; “I am delighted that St John’s Hospital in Livingston will receive a share of this investment which will see an elective centre built in Livingston. The centre will specialise in acute care for procedures such as hips, knees and cataracts and also to alleviate the pressure from the emergency wards. “This is a firm commitment from the First Minister to expand services at St John’s Hospital and as we in West…
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Fiona Declares “I’ll Do It” to Help Save a Life

News, News in Lothian
Fiona Declares “I’ll Do It” to Help Save a Life Local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop has said she will step in and have a go at resuscitation if need be, joining the ‘Save a Life for Scotland’ campaign, which was marked on Friday October 16th. Fiona said; “In Scandinavia, 80% of citizens are willing to ‘Have a Go’ at resuscitation if a member of the public collapsed in their company. This is compared to only 50% in Scotland. “I have signed up to the Safe a Life for Scotland campaign and would encourage as many of my constituents to do the same, come forward and say, “I’ll do it.” ENDS Every year over 3,500 people around Scotland are treated by the Ambulance Service after having a cardiac arrest. Unfortunately only…
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Fiona Hyslop Publishes Flight Path Trial Results

Education News, News in Lothian
Fiona Hyslop Publishes Flight Path Trial Results Even with Doors and Windows Shut 61% Find Flight Path Noise Noticeable and Intrusive or Unacceptable and Disturbing Local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop has released results of her extensive survey of constituents on the controversial Edinburgh airport new flight path trial. Over 2,000 people responded to the survey and the findings send a clear message to Edinburgh Airport and the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) who will make the ultimate decision. Fiona said; “It is quite remarkable that 91% of people received no communication from Edinburgh airport and despite only having two and half members of staff and small team of volunteers, I managed to personally contact thousands of houses individually in the affected areas. “The findings are quite stark with 83% of respondents…
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Hyslop Reveals over 64% of Surveyed Residents Want Flight Path Trial Ended

Education News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Reveals over 64% of Surveyed Residents Want Flight Path Trial Ended 2,000 contact Local MSP from Survey Local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop has shared the results of the survey she conducted in August and September on the views of her constituents relating to the new flight path trial from Edinburgh Airport. Fiona said; “After collating the significant amount of information that constituents residing in areas of West Lothian affected by the new Flight Path have sent me, I am now able to have a much clearer idea of not only which area has been most affected but also what issues are most important to those who have been affected by the disruption. “I have now received almost 2000 survey responses, over 64% of residents who responded have said they…
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SNP Transport Minister Secures Early End to Flight Path Trial

News, News in Lothian
SNP Transport Minister Secures Early End to Flight Path Trial Local Parliamentarians Welcome Early End to Edinburgh Flight Path Trial Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency Fiona Hyslop and MP for Livingston Hannah Bardell have welcomed the news that Scottish Government Transport Minister, Derek MacKay, has secured agreement from Edinburgh Airport that the new trial flight path at will be stopped early on the 28th of October – before 23rd of December - as soon as the Airport have gathered their necessary data. Derek MacKay contacted the Chief Executive of Edinburgh Airport asking him to stop the trial early once they had sufficient data. Commenting, Fiona said; “This is absolutely the right decision and I would like to thank Derek Mackay, Transport Minister for his intervention. When I met with…
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