Hyslop Comments on Airport’s Flight Path Proposals

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Comments on Airport’s Flight Path Proposals Local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop has commented on Edinburgh Airport’s second consultation which was launched today (Monday 30th January) which looks specifically at flight path options. The consultation will end on April 30th 2017. Fiona commented; “This is a major announcement and it is essential that constituents respond to this formal process. “While there are positive proposed changes to Edinburgh Airport’s flight path routes for example in the preferred A6 route which would result in a lesser impact across areas in my constituency, I am concerned by the Airport’s B2 and B5 proposed routes. “The existing GOSAM route (B5) continues to be the subject of excessive noise complaints and I continue to be contacted by constituents about this. The B2 route that the…
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Hyslop Welcomes Greater Powers for Communities

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Welcomes Greater Powers for Communities Fiona Hyslop, Linlithgow Constituency MSP, has welcomed the asset transfer section of the new Community Empowerment Act which has come into force yesterday. (Monday 23rd January) The new law will make it easier for communities in Scotland to take over land or buildings that are currently in public ownership. Fiona commented; “The asset transfer section of the Community Empowerment Act (Scotland) 2015, will allow community-led organisations to request to buy, lease or use any land or buildings belonging to local councils, Scottish Ministers, and a range of other public bodies. “When this Bill was going through parliament, the then Minister for Local Government, Marco Biagi visited Linlithgow to meet with local organisations and businesses looking to feed ideas into the legislation. “I believe It…
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Hyslop Backs Plans to Keep Scotland in Single Market Following Brussels Visit

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Backs Plans to Keep Scotland in Single Market Following Brussels Visit Following her recent visit to Brussels on Monday, 16th January, local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop, who also has responsibility in the Scottish Government for International Engagement, has reiterated proposals to keep Scotland in the European Single Market. The Scottish Government’s Paper – “Scotland’s Place in Europe” – was published in December and outlined the SNP’s determination for Scotland to remain in the European single market. The paper also outlined substantial new powers that should be devolved to the Scottish Parliament as a result of Brexit. Commenting, Fiona said; “While I believe that full EU membership remains the best position for Scotland, the new proposals put forward by the Scottish Government set out a compromise which would protect Scotland’s…
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Hyslop Welcomes Multi-Million Extension Plans to Aldi in Bathgate

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Welcomes Multi-Million Extension Plans to Aldi in Bathgate Local MSP Fiona Hyslop has welcomed Aldi’s plans to expand its Regional Distribution Centre in Bathgate over the next two years. The plans also include six new stores top open across other parts of Scotland. Fiona commented; “The plans to expand Aldi’s Regional Distribution Centre in Bathgate over the next two years will bring jobs and investment to the area, helping to boost our local economy. “This is very welcome news and I look forward to the completion of Aldi’s expansion plans.” ENDS  
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“A Diverse and Independent Media is vital Locally and Nationally” – Fiona Hyslop

News, News in Lothian
 “A Diverse and Independent Media is vital Locally and Nationally” – Fiona Hyslop Local Constituency MSP for Linlithgow, Fiona Hyslop has said that a diverse and independent media is vital and that the Scottish Government will not introduce plans requiring the press in Scotland to sign up to a state approved regulator. However Fiona warns that any plans pushed for by Westminster must consider the impact the will have north of the border. Fiona said; “A diverse and independent media is vital to sustaining a flourishing democracy. Press Regulation and the court system are devolved matters and the Scottish Government have no plans to require publishers to pay for the court costs even if they win a defamation case in court, as has happened in Westminster. “A move to regulate…
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Hyslop Welcomes Health Investment in Blackburn

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Welcomes Health Investment in Blackburn Fiona Hyslop MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency has welcomed £500 million funding for 2017/18 announced this week from the Scottish Government for health care facilities across Scotland including the completion of Bathgate Partnership Centre in Blackburn. The new facility will provide patients in Blackburn with treatment in purpose-built, 21st century settings. Fiona commented; “This £500m funding across Scotland 2017-18 is a welcome investment and I am pleased that the Blackburn Partnership Centre will benefit from this. “A facility where local people can access the services and support they need in one place is vital to provide safe, effective high quality care and I look forward to the completion of the building project and opening of the new integrated Health and community services.”  
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Local MSP Condemns Race Hate Comments

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP Condemns Race Hate Comments Local Linlithgow MSP Fiona Hyslop has condemned the comments made by 34 year old Colin Robertson from Linlithgow after he was exposed as the man behind the far right extremist blog ‘Millenial Woes’ and a YouTube “vlogger” channel, where he spouts white ­supremacist views and promotes hatred of black people, Jews and women. Fiona said, “This type of disgraceful behaviour has no place in society. “Racism must always be called out and I am glad that this race hate has been exposed. “People in Linlithgow will be appalled that such hatred was being broadcast from someone in the town and doesn't reflect the tolerance and respect for others which is the normal character of the place and the people." 
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Christmas and New Year Message from Fiona Hyslop MSP

News, News in Lothian
Christmas and New Year Message from Fiona Hyslop MSP December 2016 “As your MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, I am delighted to wish my constituents a very merry Christmas all the very best for the year ahead. “The Festive break provides us all with an opportunity to reflect on the year gone by. I have been working hard to make the case for keeping jobs local at the HMRC premises in Bathgate and plan to continue representing my constituents who are affected by this. The current economic climate presents challenges for many families, but I can assure my constituents that I will use all my efforts to support opportunities for jobs and economic growth in West Lothian. This time of year also encourages us to look forward. After a year…
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Alexander and Emily Most Popular Names in West Lothian 2016

News, News in Lothian
Alexander and Emily Most Popular Names in West Lothian 2016 Speaking after the announcement of Scotland’s top 100 baby names, Local MSP Fiona Hyslop has commented on the results for West Lothian. “Despite Jack still being the number one boys name across Scotland, Alexander is now the number one boys name in West Lothian. Interestingly, Alexander is only in 10th place Scotland wide. “Emily is still proving to be a popular girl’s name, coming top in West Lothian, but has lost out Olivia nationally. “It is always interesting to see what names are chosen by proud parents across West Lothian.” To see if your name made the top 100, visit the attached link: Top 100 names in Scotland: https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/files//statistics/popular-forenames/2016/babies-names16-table1.pdf   Top names by local authority: https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/files//statistics/popular-forenames/2016/babies-names16-table3.pdf  
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Hyslop Backs Plans to Keep Scotland in Single Market

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Backs Plans to Keep Scotland in Single Market Local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop, who also has responsibility in the Scottish government for International engagement, has backed proposals to keep Scotland in the European Single Market and stop the “national disaster” of a hard Brexit. The paper – “Scotland’s Place in Europe” – was published on Tuesday, 20 December and outlined the SNP’s determination for Scotland to remain in the European single market. The paper also outlined substantial new powers that should be devolved to the Scottish Parliament as a result of Brexit. Commenting, Fiona said; “People in Scotland voted to remain in the EU by an overwhelming 24-point margin – and 58% of those who voted in West Lothian, voted to Remain. “While we believe that full EU membership…
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