Hyslop Welcomes Arrival of Baby Box to West Lothian

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Welcomes Arrival of Baby Box to West Lothian Local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop has welcomed the roll out of the Baby Box to new mums in West Lothian. Registration for Scotland’s Baby Box will open on the 15 June 2017 for all babies due on or after 15 August 2017. Fiona commented; “Every single new mum whose baby is born on or after August 15th will be given a baby box, sending the message that every child matters. Regardless of their circumstance, every child should have the best start in life and every parent should be supported during this time. “The baby box is designed to offer babies a safe place to sleep and provide new mums with useful items to support them as they bond with their baby…
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Hyslop attends West Lothian Highland Games as 46th Chieftain

News, News in Lothian
  Hyslop attends West Lothian Highland Games as 46th Chieftain Local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop has attended the 46th West Lothian Highland Games as the Games’s Chieftain. The Games were held in Bathgate on Saturday, 27th May 2017. Commenting after the event, Fiona said; “I was hugely honoured to be asked to be the 46th Chieftain at the West Lothian Highland Games on Saturday (27th May). “2017 is the Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology and West Lothian Highland Games are very much part of our heritage so I was especially delighted to be asked to be the Chieftain in this special year. “The Games Committee put so much effort in to the event and they rely on the council, local businesses and sponsors for support, so I would like…
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Hyslop Hands thousand plus petition to RBS on Whitburn branch closure

News, News in Lothian
  Hyslop Hands thousand plus petition to RBS on Whitburn branch closure Fiona Hyslop MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency handed over a petition objecting to Whitburn RBS branch closure with 1,141 signatures to senior RBS management as they visited Whitburn at Fiona's invitation to meet local community groups and representatives in her Whitburn Constituency Office on Friday May 19th. Fiona said; “I invited local community groups to meet with RBS senior management in Whitburn Constituency office and we had a frank discussion about the strength of feeling in the community and the particular circumstances in Whitburn. "I organised a petition with the help of local traders which saw 1,141 people sign in support for a RBS rethink and I thank everyone who signed it. RBS addressed many of the concerns…
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Hyslop Visits West Lothian Sport for Employment Charity

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Visits West Lothian Sport for Employment Charity Local MSP Fiona Hyslop visited the UK’s leading Sport for Employment Charity, Street Leagues on Friday (19th May) to meet the young people involved and learn more about the work they do in some of Scotland’s most deprived areas. Fiona said; “I was delighted to meet Steven Jardine and the local young people benefitting from Street League at Blackburn Juniors Football Club. “There are many young people in West Lothian who face significant obstacles when trying to move into a life of work or further education and training. As well as health and fitness training Street League will offer sessions on CV writing, interview training, employability qualifications and mentor support. “Using sport as a vehicle to provide young people with the skills…
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West Lothian Foodbank Raise over £400 with Raffle

News, News in Lothian
[caption id="attachment_1889" align="aligncenter" width="456"] Fiona Hyslop MSP with Foodbank Manager Kathleen Neilly and Annette Murdoch who made the quilt and with raffle winner Kay Leith[/caption]   West Lothian Foodbank Raise over £400 with Raffle Local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop drew the raffle at a fundraiser in Linlithgow on Friday (12th May) which raised £406 for West Lothian Foodbank. The winning ticket belonged to Kay Leith who is now in receipt of the quilt which was hand made by Annette Murdoch. Fiona commented; “I was delighted to be asked to support West Lothian Foodbank by drawing the raffle for this lovely quilt made by Annette Murdoch. The winner of the quilt, Kay from Linlithgow, was delighted to have had her ticket selected. “West Lothian foodbank is self-funded and this funding will…
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Fiona Hyslop MSP Named as West Lothian Highland Games Chieftain

News, News in Lothian
  [caption id="attachment_1893" align="aligncenter" width="4592"]  [/caption] Fiona Hyslop MSP Named as West Lothian Highland Games Chieftain Local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop has been named as the next Chieftain of the 46th West Lothian Highland Games. The games will take place on Saturday, 27th May at Meadow Park in Bathgate. Fiona commented; “I am deeply honoured and delighted to have been asked to be Chieftain of the 46th West Lothian Highland Games in Bathgate. My late father was a snare drummer many years ago with Ayr Pipe Band so this honour is particularly poignant for me. “2017 is the Year of History, Heritage and Archeology and West Lothian Highland Games are very much part of our heritage so it’s great to be asked to be the Chieftain in this special year. …
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Hyslop Calls for Airport to Postpone Airspace Change Programme in Consultation Submission

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Calls for Airport to Postpone Airspace Change Programme in Consultation Submission Local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop has called for Edinburgh Airport to postpone progressing with their airspace change programme at this time and focus on engaging with communities as part of her submission to the Airport’s Consultation on Flight Path Routes. As well as expressing her concerns on flight divergence, noise pollution and flyover issues with specific routes, Fiona’s submission also highlights a lack of community trust and local benefit in the Airport’s plans, particularly in Winchburgh. Fiona said; “In my submission to the first consultation in September 2016, I called upon Edinburgh Airport to delay proceeding with this stage of the consultation, as the CAA are currently in the process of reviewing and strengthening their community consultation guidance…
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Fiona Hyslop MSP – Submission to Edinburgh Airport Ltd Airspace Change Programme departure and arrival procedures

News, News in Lothian
Fiona Hyslop MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency Submission to Edinburgh Airport Ltd Airspace Change Programme departure and arrival procedures I am responding to this consultation as the Member of the Scottish Parliament for the Linlithgow Constituency. My constituency includes the towns and villages of Armadale, Avonbridge, Bathgate, Blackburn, Blackridge, Boghall, Bridgend, Broxburn, Dechmont, Ecclesmachan, East Whitburn, Greenrigg, Linlithgow, Linlithgow Bridge, Newton, Philpstoun, Torphichen, Uphall, Westfield, Whitburn and Winchburgh. I will be responding to the proposed flight paths which directly affect my constituents.  This response is based upon the feedback and valid concerns raised by my constituents. Any constituent who has contacted me either directly or communicated with members of my staff has been encouraged to respond to this consultation directly and individually. I have set out below some of my…
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Hyslop Welcomes Transport Minister’s Comments on Airport Consultation for Winchburgh Residents

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Welcomes Transport Minister’s Comments on Airport Consultation for Winchburgh Residents Local MSP Fiona Hyslop has welcomed the comments and contribution made by Transport Minister Humza Yousaf in Thursday’s (27th April) debate in the Scottish Parliament on Edinburgh Airport’s Flight Path Consultation, particularly in relation to affected residents in Winchburgh. Aviation is a reserved matter to Westminster but the Scottish Parliament can debate any matter even if it cannot legislate on it. Winchburgh residents were told they would not be affected by flight path routes, however now at phase two of the consultation local residents have discovered that there may be aircraft flying over their homes. Humza Yousaf said this was “not acceptable” and urged Edinburgh Airport to listen to the complaints and concerns of Winchburgh Residents. Mr Yousaf also…
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Hyslop Opens Refurbished Moore House School

News, News in Lothian
                    Hyslop Opens Refurbished Moore House School Local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop has officially opened the newly refurbished Moore House School in Bathgate. The opening was attended by the Care Inspectorate, West Lothian Drug and Alcohol Service, West Lothian College and Police, local Councillors as well as representatives from local authorities including Edinburgh City, West Lothian, Perth & Kinross, Dundee City, Stirling and North Lanarkshire. Fiona said; “I was delighted to be invited to officially open the refurbished Moore House school in Bathgate and to meet the young people who attend the school. “In West Lothian, we are lucky to have a school here that provides support to young people who need it, and that makes sure every pupil realises their…
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