Local MSP Highlights Launch of Think FAST! Campaign

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop, highlights the launch of the FAST campaign to help people recognise the symptoms of a stroke and to act FAST. Commenting Fiona said: “Over 15,000 people in Scotland have a stroke each year so it is essential that people recognise the signs of a stroke when it is happening and call 999. “Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland promotes FAST – which is used to identify a stroke. “Fast highlights three specific symptoms of stroke – facial weakness, arm weakness and speech problems and the need to take emergency action immediately. “I would encourage my Constituents to familiarise themselves with FAST as a stroke can happen at any time and taking action quickly is essential.” ENDS
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Local MSP Calls on Bank of Scotland to Reconsider Bank Closure

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency is again calling on Royal Bank of Scotland to reconsider their decision to close their Bathgate Branch. RBS announced their intention to close the Bathgate branch effective from 25th September 2024, however, this date has now been delayed until 14th November 2024. Commenting Fiona said; “The closure of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) Bathgate branch will be a huge loss to the town. “I have repeatedly called on RBS to rethink this closure and was hopeful when the branch was able to remain open past the initial closure date announced by RBS of 25th September 2024. “I have previously written to RBS to urge them to rethink their decision to close the Bathgate branch and my position on this closure has not changed…
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Local MSP Highlights 3.6 million Free Bus Pass Journeys in West Lothian

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop, has welcomed the news that over 3.6 million free bus pass journeys were made in West Lothian in 2023/23. The Scottish Government has consistently protected bus passes for everyone over 60, and disabled people, while also extending the scheme to injured veterans and introducing free bus travel for under 22’s. Commenting Fiona said: “I’m really pleased to see that over 3.6 million bus journeys have been made by bus pass holders across West Lothian this last year. “This vital support from the Scottish Government provides a lifeline for many allowing people to access essential services, employment, and education. “The positive impact of the bus passes provided by the Scottish Government cannot be underestimated, however, I do recognise that bus travel can present…
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Press comment from Fiona Hyslop MSP on Linlithgow Loch Issues

News, News in Lothian
The next local Public Meeting on Linlithgow Loch Catchment Area is due at the beginning of November and commenting in advance of the meeting Fiona Hyslop MSP said; “As many of my Constituents will be aware there has been on-going concerns about Linlithgow Loch and following the recent re-convening of the Linlithgow Loch Strategic Management Group, I had originally helped get established some years ago, and the latest public meeting I have taken up the issue of potential impact of the M9 on the Loch and the monitoring by the Scottish Government of Nitrates and Phosphorus in Linlithgow Loch. “I wrote to Transport Scotland, in my role as local MSP, in relation to potential chloride run-off from the M9 that could be having a negative impact on the health of the…
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Press comment from Fiona Hyslop MSP following the death of Alex Salmond:

News, News in Lothian
“Like so many others across the Independence movement, I was shocked and saddened to hear of the death of Alex Salmond on Saturday 12th October. “Alex was very proud of his West Lothian roots, being a son of Linlithgow, and I attended many events with him in our town over the years. “He was unique with a drive and determination to achieve Independence for Scotland that never dimmed. “Against all odds Alex led the SNP into Government and gave us all the chance to decide our own future and say YES to Independence in the 2014 Independence Referendum. “Over the last few days, we have seen so many tributes to Alex Salmond and it is clear, he was a titan of the Scottish Independence movement. “My condolences go to Moira,…
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Local MSP Calls on UK Government to Reverse Winter Fuel Payment Cuts

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop, calls on the UK Government to end austerity and reverse their decision to cut the winter fuel payment in their upcoming budget. In a vote on Tuesday 8th October, in the Scottish Parliament, SNP MSPs across Scotland voted to demand that the Labour UK Government urgently reinstate the Winter Fuel Payment this winter. Commenting Fiona said: “This decision from the UK Government, who were elected on a promise of change, has let down pensioners in West Lothian and across Scotland. "In West Lothian in 2022/23, 28,955 people were in receipt of the Winter Fuel Payment and now many of these people will stand to lose this vital support. “The Scottish Labour party refused to join calls for the UK Government to scrap…
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Fiona Hyslop MSP Calls on West Lothian Council to Rethink Plans on Community Asset Transfer

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop, calls on West Lothian Council to rethink plans to have Management Committees of Community Centres take on ownership and responsibility of the buildings. West Lothian Council are proposing Community Asset Transfers for 34 Community Centres and Village Halls in West Lothian, with a consultation with Management Committees on the future provision of Community Centres and Village Halls currently under way. Commenting Fiona said: "I have been contacted by local Management Committees who are concerned following the announcement of West Lothian Council's proposals to have Management Committees take on responsibility for Community Centres and Village Halls. "The proposals would see the ownership and responsibility of 34 community centres in West Lothian transferred to Management Committees, with 17 of these in my Constituency.  "I…
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Local MSP Highlights Transformative Scottish Government Housing Policies

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP, for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop is raising awareness of the challenges posed by housing poverty, and highlighted the difference made by the SNP Government in improving access to housing in West Lothian. Since coming to power in 2007, the SNP Scottish Government have a strong track record of introducing measures to improve the availability of housing in Scotland. This includes; the abolition of Margaret Thatcher’s Right to Buy Scheme, ending fixed-term private lets, and improving tenant’s rights. Commenting Fiona said: “The Scottish Government has overseen the construction of 133,409 social and affordable homes since 2007 with 6251 in West Lothian since 2007. “This shows the Scottish Government’s commitment to ensuring that people across West Lothian have a safe, secure, warm and sustainable home. “We know the difference…
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Fiona Hyslop MSP urges Labour to deliver on promises made to West Lothian Constituents

News, News in Lothian
Linlithgow Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop, has demanded that Labour use next month’s Budget to U-turn on its austerity agenda and finally come good on its election promises of ‘change’ and ‘read my lips, no austerity under Labour’. Austerity is a political choice, and it is the wrong choice – Labour should finally listen to the experts and change course. Despite promising ‘change’ during the general election, the new Labour UK Government have announced not the end of Tory austerity – but an intensification of Tory austerity. Families in Scotland are estimated to have lost £341 million due the two-child limit since its inception in 2017 – a policy Labour refuses to abandon. And cutting the Winter Fuel Payment for 860,000 Scottish pensioners is the very definition of austerity. The SNP…
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Fiona Hyslop MSP Celebrates Scottish Parliament 25th Anniversary with Local Hero

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP for Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop, attended the Scottish Parliament's 25th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday 28th September. The Scottish Parliament was reconvened in May 1999, with the Scottish Parliament building officially opening in 2004. To mark the important occasion, Fiona attended the celebration with Keith Macleod, who was nominated as a Local Hero. Keith Macleod is the Chair of Broxburn and Uphall Development Group and Broxburn and Uphall Growers Society, as well as treasurer of Broxburn Community Council. Commenting Fiona said: "I was pleased to attend the 25th Anniversary of the Scottish Parliament on Saturday 28th September. The Scottish Parliament has, and continues to be, transformative for the lives of the people that live here, and it is only right that the people of Scotland are placed at the…
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