Hyslop Condemns Boris Brexit Deal

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Condemns Boris Brexit Deal Local Linlithgow Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop has condemned the new Proposed Brexit Deal saying it is even worse that the deals proposed by Theresa May when she was Prime Minister. While England and Wales both voted to leave the EU, and would do so under the deal, Northern Ireland is being handed a special deal effectively keeping it within the single market and customs union – with the power to change their relationship in future. These proposals would leave Scotland – a Remain voting country - being dragged out of the EU with no say over our future relationship. Fiona commented, “Boris Johnston’s proposed new Brexit deal would leave Scotland unique among the four UK nations in being completely ignored.“It is even more extreme for…
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Hyslop Visits Refurbished Winchburgh Pub following Investment

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Visits Refurbished Winchburgh Pub following Investment Local Linlithgow Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop has visited the Tally Ho Pub in Winchburgh following its £400,000 refurbishment undertaken by Star Pubs & Bars and the pub’s new licensees, Winchburgh residents Trevor and Yvonne Spence. The newly designed pub opened in August and created 18 jobs. As part of her visit Fiona had lunch with her constituency team, met with licensees Trevor and Yvonne Spence and Tom Reilly, one of Star Pubs and Bars Business Development Managers and had a tour of the newly refurbished bar. Fiona said, “It’s been great to meet Trevor and Yvonne and to see the refurbishment of the Tally Ho Pub in Winchburgh. The Tally Ho is a welcoming and vibrant place for families and I was very…
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Hyslop Backs Ambitious Steps to Tackle Climate Emergency

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Backs Ambitious Steps to Tackle Climate Emergency Scottish Parliament Passes Landmark Climate Change Bill Local Linlithgow Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop has voted in favour of the Climate Change Bill, meaning that Scotland will now have the most ambitious statutory targets in the world and its contribution to climate change will end, definitively, within a generation. The landmark legislation commits Scotland to becoming a net-zero society by 2045 – five years before the rest of the UK and in line with the advice from the UK Committee on Climate Change. The Scottish Government also adopted an ambitious new target to reduce emissions by 75% by 2030 – the toughest statutory target of any country in the world. Fiona commented, “Climate change is the biggest challenge facing humanity, and the defining…
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Hyslop encourages businesses to take part in Autism Hour

News, News in Lothian
[caption id="attachment_2546" align="aligncenter" width="3600"] Autism Hour Photo Call for the National Autistic Society.Photograph by Martin ShieldsTel 07572 457000www.martinshields.com© Martin Shields[/caption] Hyslop encourages businesses to take part in Autism Hour Fiona Hyslop MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency is calling on local businesses to take part in Autism Hour to encourage shops to be more autism-friendly. Autism Hour highlights that small changes can make a big difference to autistic customers and families. National Autistic Society Scotland hope that, after participating in Autism Hour, shops will introduce regular autism-friendly sessions. There are around 58,000 autistic people in Scotland. Being autistic means seeing, hearing and feeling the world in a different, often more intense way to other people. Autistic people often find social situations difficult and can struggle to filter out the sounds, smells,…
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Hyslop Welcomes Cystic Fibrosis Drug Pricing Agreement

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Welcomes Cystic Fibrosis Drug Pricing Agreement Local Constituency MSP for Linlithgow, Fiona Hyslop, has welcomed the Scottish Government announcement that a five year pricing agreement to supply NHS Scotland with medicines to benefit patients living with cystic fibrosis in Scotland has been secured. The pricing agreement was made by the Scottish Government and medicines manufacturer Vertex Pharmaceuticals. It is the first agreement anywhere in the UK that allows these medicines to be available in this way. Fiona commented: “I know this will be welcome news to many of my constituents who suffer from or have family or friends who suffer from Cystic Fibrosis. “This new pricing agreement will allow Cystic Fibrosis clinics to prescribe the use of medicines Orkambi® and Symkevi® to patients who believe they will benefit from…
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Hyslop Wears it Pink for Breast Cancer Now Campaign

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Wears it Pink for Breast Cancer Now Campaign Fiona Hyslop MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency had taken part in Breast Cancer Now’s Wear it Pink Campaign to highlight awareness for vital breast cancer research and support. The official Wear It Pink day is on Friday 18th October.   Fiona commented;   “Every year around 4,700 women are diagnosed with breast cancer, we will all have a family member or a friend whose life has been touched by this disease and that is why I am always pleased to support the important work of the Breast Cancer Now Charity.   “Since launching in 2002, Wear it Pink has had an enormous impact on the lives of those affected by breast cancer, raising over £33 million to date.   “Fundraising events…
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Hyslop Urges Boots to Rethink Delivery Changes

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Urges Boots to Rethink Delivery Changes Local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop, has written to Senior Management at Boots to express her concerns over Boots decision to introduce a delivery charge for prescriptions from September 30th. Boots are planning to introduce a delivery charge from the end of September of £5 per patient, per delivery for one off deliveries. They are also offering an annual subscription of £55 per year per patient as an alternative. Fiona commented; “There are many reasons why patients may need to have their prescriptions delivered, a good number will be elderly and simply cannot afford this delivery charge. Boots will already receive money from the NHS to handle prescriptions and while they appear to be offering a £55 annual payment alternative, £55 can be a…
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Hyslop Highlights Pilgrimage Way through Linlithgow

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Highlights Pilgrimage Way through Linlithgow Local Linlithgow Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop has highlighted the St Andrew’s Way pilgrimage routes as authentic links to our national and local heritage, two of which run through Linlithgow. Fiona also delivered the closing speech in a Members debate at the Scottish Parliament in June on The Way of St Andrew’s Way in her capacity as Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs. Fiona said; “Pilgrim ways are an important part of our heritage and local tourism and I am delighted to highlight that two of the St Andrew’s Way pilgrim walks stretch right through my constituency. The St Ninian’s Way goes through Linlithgow Bridge while the Ladywell way passes through Blackridge, Westfield, Torphichen and Linlithgow. “From long distance walkers to cycle enthusiasts,…
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Hyslop Highlights New Asbestos Action Service in Bathgate

News, News in Lothian
  Hyslop Highlights New Asbestos Action Service in Bathgate Local Constituency MSP for Linlithgow, Fiona Hyslop has visited the new Asbestos Action Support Service based in the Bathgate Partnership Centre which offers financial and emotional support to suffers at their families. Asbestos Action is a charity that visits asbestos related lung cancer sufferers in their own home or hospital and organises benefit advice and ongoing specialised welfare support. Due to the increase in numbers coming to them from the Edinburgh and Lothian areas they have now set up an outreach facility in Bathgate Partnership Centre. Fiona commented; “I was pleased to meet the Asbestos Action Charity in Bathgate’s Partnership Centre. This is an important service that can help people suffering from asbestos related lung cancer and their families at an…
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Hyslop Congratulates Linlithgow Arts Guild on 50th Anniversary

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Congratulates Linlithgow Arts Guild on 50th Anniversary Local Linlithgow MSP Fiona Hyslop has congratulated the Linlithgow Arts Guild on 50 years of success. Fiona attended the Guild’s Garden Party on Saturday (3rd August) Rivaldsgreen House at which marked the start of the 50th season. Fiona commented; “I was delighted to attend the Linlithgow Arts Guild’s Garden Party to mark their 50th Anniversary. “Over the years, the Linlithgow Arts Guild have programmed fantastic performers, including Concert pianists, theatre, opera and Spanish flamenco dancers, and always with the highest calibre of talent. “I would like to pass on my congratulations to the Guild on their 50th Anniversary year and thank them for their passion and their dedication to bringing artistic talent from around Europe to Linlithgow.” ENDS
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