£2.2 Billion for Businesses affected by Covid 19

News, News in Lothian
On Wednesday, Fiona Hyslop delivered a statement at the Scottish Parliament in her capacity as Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture on Covid 19 and the Economy. You can watch her statement here: https://www.scottishparliament.tv/meeting/ministerial-statement-economy-covid-19-march-18-2020 The Following Scottish Government Press Release was released to give further details about a £2.2 Billion package for Scottish Businesses.  £2.2 billion for business Published: 18 Mar 2020 16:26 Part of:   Coronavirus in Scotland Providing support during economic emergency Economy Secretary Fiona Hyslop has addressed the Scottish Parliament on the economic impact of COVID-19 in Scotland. In her statement she warned that as a result of coronavirus, the Scottish economy is facing an immediate collapse in demand. She outlined the actions being taken by the Scottish Government to support businesses including a package of…
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 Hyslop Marks Impact Arts Exhibition Launch in Bathgate

News, News in Lothian
 Hyslop Marks Impact Arts Exhibition Launch in Bathgate Local Linlithgow Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop, attended, spoke at and handed out certificates to the young participants of the Impact Arts Exhibition Launch at the Regal Connect Theatre in Bathgate last week. (Friday 13th March) Impact Arts uses the arts and creativity to enable and power social change, helping individuals and communities transform their lives through the arts. Fiona said, “I was very impressed by the artworks created by the young people involved in the Impact Arts Employability Programme in Bathgate and also by the confidence from those involved who were keen to show me their work. “I am a strong believer in the power of arts and culture and their ability to reach and empower individuals on many levels and from…
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Hyslop Welcomes 1,211 New Homes Built in West Lothian Last Year

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Welcomes 1,211 New Homes Built in West Lothian Last Year Local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop, has welcomed new figures that show 1,211 of new build homes were completed in West Lothian last year.  The latest statistics from the Scottish Government show that over 9,300 affordable homes were delivered in 2019 across the country, an increase of more than 25% since 2016. 202 homes for social rent were built in West Lothian last year, of which 157 were new council homes and 45 were housing association partners. Fiona commented, “It is very welcome news that just last year alone we’ve seen 1,211 new homes completed in West Lothian, 202 of them for social rent. “On top of the Scottish Government’s commitment to deliver 50,000 affordable homes, we’re helping first-time buyers…
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Budget Secures Funding Boost for West Lothian in Face of Westminster Chaos

News, News in Lothian
Fiona Hyslop MSP Backs Budget to Deliver for West Lothian   Budget Secures Funding Boost for West Lothian in Face of Westminster Chaos Local Linlithgow Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop, has voted to pass the Scottish Government’s budget for 2020/21– securing a cash boost for NHS Lothian, investment in vital public services in West Lothian and a more progressive tax system. The amended budget delivers on key issues raised by all parties in the parliament – and will see the SNP Government take the radical step of introducing free bus travel for those aged 18 and under, benefitting an estimated 16,122 young people in the Linlithgow Constituency. The agreement also builds on key Scottish Government commitments to invest £15bn in health and care services – with NHS Lothian benefitting from a…
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Hyslop to Meet Post Office Bosses Following Blackburn Branch Closure

News, News in Lothian
  Hyslop to Meet Post Office Bosses Following Blackburn Branch Closure Local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop, has arranged to meet with representatives of the Post Office following the closure of branches in Springfield in Linlithgow, Armadale and now Blackburn in her constituency.  Fiona commented, “I am aware of the situation regarding the closure of Blackburn Post Office and was very concerned to hear this. There are a number of local families and older people who completely rely on their post office services. “I have been in contact with the Sub Postmaster at Blackburn Post Office and with the Mill Centre Owners, The Dunbars. I have also contacted West Lothian Council to see what support they can provide in ensuring the retention of services and the Health Board in relation to…
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Hyslop Visits The Vu in West Lothian to Highlight Scottish Apprenticeship Week

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Visits The Vu in West Lothian to Highlight Scottish Apprenticeship Week Local Linlithgow MSP Fiona Hyslop visited well known wedding venue The Vu near Bathgate this week (Monday, 2nd March) in her capacity as Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture to highlight Scottish Apprenticeship Week. Scottish Apprenticeship Week took place from the 2nd – 6th March this year. The Vu held an event for Apprentices at their Company grounds in Bathgate to celebrate Scottish Apprenticeship Week. The company currently have 4 apprentices in Scotland. Fiona said, “It was great visit to the very popular and successful West Lothian wedding business The Vu near Bathgate. I was pleased to meet the apprentices who are currently progressing through the training and discuss with them their achievements so far. “Scottish…
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West Lothian Construction Real Life Training Celebrated with Awards in Parliament

News, News in Lothian
[caption id="attachment_2657" align="aligncenter" width="4680"] Coprighted Sibbald Training All Rights ReservedPhoto taken by Lisa Ferguson [/caption] West Lothian Construction Real Life Training Celebrated with Awards in Parliament Local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop, has sponsored a reception in Parliament to recognise the achievements of students across Scotland who have excelled during their time at Constructionarium Week in Blackridge, West Lothian. The packed Parliamentary reception also allowed the directors of Constructionaium Scotland, who include Blackridge based David Sibbald of Sibbald Training, to thank the companies who give their time, materials and assistance to the Constructionarium experience. Established over ten years ago, Constructionarium provides a “hands-on” construction experience for students and professionals; where participants construct scaled down versions of bridges, buildings, dams and civil engineering projects from all around the world. The principle is to…
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Hyslop Welcomes £1.8bn Boost for Low Carbon Infrastructure

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Welcomes £1.8bn Boost for Low Carbon Infrastructure Local Linlithgow Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop, has called upon Lothian politicians to get behind plans for a £1.8 billion capital investment in low carbon infrastructure. Earlier this month as part of its draft budget, the SNP Government announced historic plans to commit around 1% of GDP in this year’s budget to reduce Scotland’s carbon emissions. The budget also proposes to increase support to help transform manufacturing, transport and household energy use – as Scotland aims to meet its world-leading target to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2045. Fiona commented, “Climate change is the biggest challenge facing humanity, and the defining political issue for all of us, so it is crucial that we lead by example. That’s why the SNP’s has taken the…
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Hyslop Appointed as Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Appointed as Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture As part of a Government reshuffle that took place this week (Monday 17th February) the First Minister has appointed Fiona Hyslop, also the local Constituency MSP for Linlithgow, as her Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture. Fiona has been a Government Minister since the SNP came to power in 2007 working in both the Culture and Education briefs. She retains the culture remit she has had responsibility for since 2009, overseeing Scotland’s booming cultural sector and now she also takes on the important economic briefs of promoting fair work throughout Scotland. Fiona said; “I am delighted to be appointed by the First Minister to the position of Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture in the…
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Hyslop Welcomes £645m Childcare Expansion – Families in West Lothian to save £4,500 per child per year

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Welcomes £645m Childcare Expansion Families in West Lothian to save £4,500 per child per year Local Linlithgow Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop, has welcomed the Scottish Government Announcement which would commit £645m to expand early learning and childcare provision across Scotland and save families in West Lothian £4,500 per child a year. Announcing the Scottish Government’s draft budget proposals for 2020/21 in Holyrood, SNP Minister Kate Forbes announced investment that will support the SNP’s plan to almost double the free provision of childcare to 1140 hours from August 2020 for all 3 and 4 year olds and eligible 2 year olds. Fiona commented, “As well as improving the lives of children, giving them the very best start in life, this investment of £645m – almost doubling free child care provision…
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