Hyslop Welcomes News That Over 200 People in West Lothian Receive Help Through Warm Homes Scheme
Local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop welcomes the impact of Warmer Homes Scotland on fuel poor households in West Lothian. Over 200 households in West Lothian have benefitted from the scheme’s help since it was launched in 2015, each of them saving around £300 on their energy bills per year. The £224 million Warmer Homes Scotland scheme provides a step-by-step service to help make homes warmer and more comfortable. Assistance can include installing new and efficient boilers, fitting new radiators, insulating lofts or even working with partners to install gas mains to make heating homes in hard to reach areas more affordable. All work is carried out by registered and accredited local sub-contractors, who work to rigorous quality standards across the country. With the Fuel Poverty (Targets, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland)…