Apprenticeship Ambassador of the Year Hails From Bathgate
As part of Scottish Apprenticeship Week, Fiona Hyslop has urged employers in West Lothian to apply for the SNP Government’s £15 million Apprenticeship Employer Grant. Marking Scottish Apprenticeship Week, Fiona has encouraged employers to make the most of the fund which would provide £5,000 for taking on or upskilling a 16 to 24-year old apprentice for those aged up to 29 years who are disabled, care leavers and minority ethnic, and £3,500 for taking on or upskilling an apprentice over 25. Apprenticeships are an integral part to the Scottish Government’s ‘Young Persons Guarantee’, which was introduced by Fiona in her Ministerial role. The ‘Young Persons Guarantee’ ensures that everyone aged 16 to 24-years old has the opportunity to access work, education or training. The Apprenticeship grant will help increase the…