Hyslop Provides Ongoing Support to ‘Scotland Loves Local Campaign’ by Encouraging Businesses to Sign Up to New Gift Card Initiative

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop, continues to support the ‘Scotland Loves Local’ Campaign’ by highlighting the new local gift card initiative, which is being funded by the Scottish Government and rolled out across West Lothian and all other local authority areas. The Scotland Loves Local Gift Card is a localised card for each of Scotland’s 32 local authority areas which will encourage people to support and spend money in businesses local to them. The card, once purchased, can be used in any local business which has signed up to the initiative. The scheme will launch for consumer use later this year and Fiona encourages as many retailers as possible to sign up to the scheme, to be able to take payments through the Gift Card. The sign-up…
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Hyslop Supports Committee Recommendations Supporting Miners’ Pension Fund

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop, has written to the Scottish Minister for Public Finance, Planning and Community Wealth adding her support to calls that he urge the UK Government to implement the UK Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee’s recommendations to amend funds in the Miners Pension Scheme to ensure fairness for former mine workers. The Miners Pension Scheme established in 1994, meant a 50/50 split in surplus sharing between the miners and UK Government. This means that to date the UK Government has received £4.4 billion, with at least a further £1.9 billion due, whilst paying nothing into the fund. In other words, the UK Government is making an easy profit from no investment. The UK Parliament committee therefore recommended amending the 50/50 surplus sharing arrangements…
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Article: Small step will make massive difference at Queensferry Crossing

The Queensferry Crossing has made major improvements for transport connectionsin Scotland and is the largest infrastructure project in our country for a generation.As a Member of the Scottish Parliament, I am fully aware of the importance of thehaulage sector to Scotland’s economy and I appreciate the major challenges that theindustry is facing at this time. This article is asking your help to make a big differenceto the daily lives of my constituents living in and around the village of Newton, WestLothian. There is an ever-increasing number of HGVs using the A809 via Newton on the roadto and from the Queensferry Crossing, often directed to do so by SatNav. The recentlypublished “Forth Replacement Crossing Project One Year After evaluation report”documents a 20% increase in traffic through the village. My constituents areexperiencing…
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Hyslop Raises Concerns Regarding Temporary St Michael’s Hospital Closure

Hyslop Raises Concerns Regarding Temporary St Michael’s Hospital Closure Local Linlithgow Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop, has contacted the Chief Executive of NHS Lothian’s Health and Care Partnership to raise her concerns about the temporary closure of St Michael’s Hospital in Linlithgow. Due to Covid related staffing pressures, the Health Board have agreed to transport patients currently residing at St Michael’s Hospital to Tippethill House in Armadale. This move is due to be reviewed in September following the arrival of hundreds of new nurses expected to join NHS Lothian. Fiona commented, “While I am understand that this temporary closure has been caused by staff illnesses related to Covid 19, I have contacted the Health Board’s Chief Executive to ask for a meeting to ensure this move is strictly temporary and not…
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Local MSP Unveils Carmelite Friary Heritage Plaque

News, News in Lothian
Local Linlithgow MSP, Fiona Hyslop, has officially unveiled a new plaque at the Carmelite Friary site which is sited off the path leading to Rosemount Park from Manse Road in Linlithgow. The improvement works include replacement seats, a bin and a new interpretation panel.  The old Marches Stone recording the Linlithgow Parliamentary Boundary has also been surrounded with setts and can be viewed in the woods that lead to Rosemount Park. Commenting at the event, Fiona said; “I am delighted to be invited by Linlithgow Civic Trust to officially unveil the plaque and environmental improvements of Linlithgow’s Carmelite Friary. This lovely quiet and historic spot can now be enjoyed even more by the increasing numbers of local people who are choosing to include the paths as part of their regular…
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Hyslop Welcomes Announcement that Fees for Children Learning a Musical Instrument at School will be Removed

News, News in Lothian
Local constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop, welcomes news that fees for children learning a music instrument at school will be removed thanks to more than £7 million funding from the Scottish Government. This funding covers the 2021-22 academic year and marks a further commitment from the first 100 days of this Scottish Government. In West Lothian, the previous Labour led Council in 2018 introduced charges for individual music tuition and this led to a drop in the number of young people taking music lessons. Fiona commented; “Learning music can be life-changing for many young people and West Lothian has historically had a great tradition in music making in the county. It is essential that all young people receiving additional music tuition in schools can do so because of their talent and…
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St. John’s Hospital – Staff Car Parking

News, News in Lothian
Following on-going representation by local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop, on behalf of her constituents who work at St. John’s Hospital, Fiona Hyslop has further highlighted to NHS Lothian the need for greater accessibility to car parking for staff at the hospital. Availability of staff car parking is a long-standing issue, and in Fiona’s letter to NHS Lothian she highlighted the need for a commitment to improve the current situation, to bring back pre-Covid measures such as the lift share programme and the shuttle service for staff at Livingston FC Stadium. Fiona highlighted that these measures are essential to ensuring the accessibility of car parking and the safety of all staff. In response, NHS Lothian committed to continuing to host virtual sessions to seek ideas from staff on how they can…
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Hyslop Welcomes £541,000 Funding for Kid’s Summer Activities as part of Covid Recovery

News, News in Lothian
Local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop, has expressed her delight as West Lothian Council is set to receive £541,000 from the Scottish Government to encourage children to play and socialise as part of the recovery from the pandemic. The Scottish Government has set aside £15m to support summer activities across Scotland, and West Lothian will receive a share. The support will specifically target those under 25 from low income households that may otherwise struggle to access such experiences during the holidays. Additionally, £5m will also be distributed among prominent Scottish children’s charities such as Barnardo’s and Who Cares Scotland. Fiona commented: “I am absolutely delighted that young people and children in West Lothian will benefit from this funding by the Government. Young people and children have experienced significant disruption to all…
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MSP Fiona Praises Linlithgow Climate Action in Parliament and Calls on Environment Minister to Visit Town

News, News in Lothian
Local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop, delivered a speech to the Scottish Parliament on the climate emergency in which she praised the work of Linlithgow Community Development Trust (LCDT). Fiona highlighted the work which is already underway and the ambitions to make Linlithgow the first Net-Zero Town in Scotland. Achievements included the successful Community Bonds initiative of LCDT which invested in local community energy, helped clubs save money and created a surplus. This builds on the achievement and work of Transition Linlithgow and other bodies in the town. The LCDT have been at the forefront of this movement with the Climate Action Group currently drafting a ‘Linlithgow Ready Vision for 2045’. This strategy focuses on 5 key objectives and looks to involve a range of people and aspects of the town.…
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Hyslop Welcomes SNP Commitment to Build 100,000 Homes and Support 14,000 Jobs

News, News in Lothian
Fiona Hyslop MSP has welcomed a commitment by the SNP to deliver 100,000 affordable homes in Scotland by 2032, if the party is re-elected in May. The Housing to 2040 plan will create 14,000 jobs and invest £16 billion in housing infrastructure across Scotland, including in West Lothian. Key plans from the scheme include: delivering 100,000 more affordable homes by 2032, with at least 70% of these being for social rentsetting a single set of standards for housing quality and accessibilityestablishing a new fund to help local authorities bring empty homes back into residential useending homelessness and rough sleeping once and for alldecarbonising heating in all homes in line with Scotland’s climate ambitions Fiona commented, “This is a big announcement from the SNP Government. Committing to deliver 100,000 affordable homes…
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