Local MSP Fiona Hyslop Welcomes £636,011 Funding for Cycle Circuit in Linlithgow
Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop, has welcomed the announcement from the Scottish Government and Sports Scotland that West Lothian Cycle Circuit in Linlithgow will receive £636,011 funding to develop an accessible and inclusive 1KM cycle loop. The West Lothian Cycle Circuit will be a world class facility for the whole community giving everyone in Linlithgow and beyond the access to a safe, traffic free cycling facility. The circuit will include a 1km, tarmac traffic-free circuit which will be floodlit for all year use and made up of 4 loops that are fenced in. It will be available for individual drop in sessions, club use and organised activities. Fiona who was instrumental as a Government Minister in securing the first ever UCI World Cycle Championships in Scotland…