Fiona Hyslop Comments on Vion Halls Announcement of Threat to Broxburn Plant
Fiona Hyslop Comments on Vion Halls Announcement of Threat to Broxburn Plant Fiona Hyslop MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency has commented on today’s announcement from Vion Halls about a consultation on the closure of their Broxburn branch employing over 1000 permanent workers. Ms Hyslop said: “This is a devastating blow for workers and their families in West Lothian. Vion Halls is the biggest private employer in this constituency and there are many experienced workers with expertise in food production in the company and we must make every effort to try and secure a positive outcome.” Ms Hyslop will be attending a rapidly convened Government-led Task Force later on this evening as the local MSP. She continued: “I call on everyone concerned; management, unions, the workforce, enterprise agencies, Government and Local…