Hyslop Condemns Labour For Voting Against Free School Meals
Hyslop Condemns Labour For Voting Against Free School Meals Scottish Government Policy to Benefit 6,514 in West Lothian Local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop has condemned Lothians Labour MSPs decision to vote against the Scottish Government’s policy to provide healthy free school meals to all pupils Fiona Hyslop said, “This funding is a welcome support for our ever growing population of young children in West Lothian. With a 9.6% rise since 2001, we have the 7th highest number of under 5s of any council area in Scotland therefore this funding will greatly benefit our children as they grow up. “I am very surprised and hugely disappointed that Labour MSPs did not support Free School Meals for P1-P3s particularly when the announcement has already been warmly welcomed by Child Poverty Action Group…