Hyslop Comments on St John’s Recording of A & E Waiting Times Figures

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Comments on St John’s Recording of A & E Waiting Times Figures Following the announcement by the Health Secretary, Shona Robison MSP, of an independent review into the way in which St John’s Hospital in Livingston has been recording A & E waiting times figures, local Linlithgow MSP Fiona Hyslop commented: “I am pleased that the Health Secretary has moved swiftly to investigate concerns about how St John’s Hospital has been recording A & E waiting times figures. While these are very serious allegations it is encouraging that staff have felt able to raise their concerns. “I know that the people of West Lothian are very grateful for the quality of the care they receive from St John’s Hospital, particularly at traumatic times, but these reports are very concerning…
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Hyslop Presents Special Awards on Graduation Day

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Presents Special Awards on Graduation Day Local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop attended West Lothian College’s Graduation Day Ceremony this weekend (Sat 28th Oct) and presented 7 special awards to students being recognised for outstanding personal achievements and enterprise awards. Fiona commented: “I am always pleased to attend West Lothian College’s Graduation day to meet some of the young people as they start a new chapter in their lives. “It was particularly enjoyable this year, to give out the awards to students who have not only acquired new qualifications in their chosen subjects but have also shown outstanding personal achievements throughout their time at West lothian College. “Over 92% of West Lothian’s young people are choosing to continue their education, enter training or get a job after leaving school, which is…
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Hyslop Calls for All to Get behind St John’s

News, News in Lothian
  Hyslop Calls for All to Get behind St John’s Comments on Review of Children's Services Report Following the release of the recent Report by the Royal College of Paediatricians and Children’s Health into the progress in implementing the plan for a sustainable 24/7 Children's Ward at St John's Hospital in Livingston, Fiona Hyslop commented: "Although parents will be disappointed that the Report doesn't present an instant solution to returning immediately to 24/7 opening of the Children's Ward, this is a considered, detailed, realistic and constructive assessment of the significant progress made to date giving a clear route forward to achieve it. Everyone including politicians from all parties need to get behind implementing their proposals. "The Report calls on everyone, including politicians and NHS Lothian to provide the space and…
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Hyslop Congratulates Linlithgow Photographers on Press Awards

News, News in Lothian
  Hyslop Congratulates Linlithgow Photographers on Press Awards Local Linlithgow MSP, Fiona Hyslop has congratulated Andrew West and David Johnstone on their achievements at the Scottish Press Awards 2017. Andrew won second prize in the reportage category for his pictures of Linlithgow Marches Day and David Johnstone came first in the Politics 1st Category. The pictures were displayed for the Festival of Politics at the weekend and will remain at Holyrood until January. Fiona said; “I am very pleased to see two Linlithgow photographers gaining national recognition for their work. Marches Day in Linlithgow brings the whole town together and it is great to see the spirit and character captures in Andrew West’s magnificent photographs at the Scottish Parliament. “All the winning images including the photographs taken by Andrew West…
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Hyslop Comments on Bield Care Home Closures

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Comments on Bield Care Home Closures  Linlithgow MSP, Fiona Hyslop said; "I fully understand this is a distressing time for residents living in Bield Care Homes across West Lothian and for their families and also for the employees that work with Bield. "I have spoken to health officials in the Scottish Government and I understand that they have been engaging with the Care Inspectorate and Chief Officers of Integration Authorities to ensure that plans are put in place to ensure that residents’ care needs are a priority and that they will continue to be met in an appropriate setting. "I have also written to West Lothian’s Health and Social Care Partnership,  Bield and the Care Inspectorate to raise my concerns about Bield's decision and offer any support I can…
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Hyslop Welcomes Publicly Owned Energy Company Announcement

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Welcomes Publicly Owned Energy Company Announcement Local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop has welcomed the announcement made by the First Minister that the Scottish Government will establish a publicly-owned, not-for-profit energy company to deliver low-cost renewable energy by the end of this parliamentary term. Energy would be bought wholesale or renewable energy would be generated here in Scotland and sold to customers as close to cost price as possible. Fiona commented:  “This announcement of a publicly-owned, not-for-profit energy company to deliver low-cost renewable energy by 2021, will allow families struggling to pay energy bills a better choice, making sure that their supplier will secure the lowest possible price. “I know this will be welcome news to many in my constituency across West Lothian who are on low incomes and regularly…
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Hyslop says No to Fracking

News, News in Lothian
  Hyslop says No to Fracking Local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop has welcomed the announcement from the Scottish Government that it will not support the development of Unconventional Oil and Gas in Scotland, meaning there is an effective ban on fracking in Scotland. Scottish Government Minister for Business, Innovation and Energy, Paul Wheelhouse told MSPs the decision followed an extensive period of evidence gathering, public engagement, and dialogue on the issue. Fiona said; “I am very pleased that the Scottish Government will not support the development of unconventional oil and gas in Scotland. “Energy Minister, Paul Wheelhouse has said that the Scottish Government Consultation overwhelmingly showed public support for the ban. “This is a clear commitment from the Scottish Government, who have listened to the concerns across our communities and…
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Hyslop Urges Bus Users in West Lothian to Share Views on Services and Ticketing

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Urges Bus Users in West Lothian to Share Views on Services and Ticketing Local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop is urging bus users across West Lothian to get involved in two new public consultations that will help shape the future of bus services and smart ticketing in Scotland. Transport Scotland will conduct a number of events and stakeholder workshops to encourage participation in these consultations before they close on 5th December.Commenting, Fiona said; “Bus services is an issue I hear a lot about from my constituents. hundreds of people will use the bus every single day, many relying on them for work or family reasons. “Transport Scotland’s two new consultations offer the public and stakeholders in West Lothian an important opportunity to have their say on how best to improve…
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Hyslop Visits SAMH in Bathgate

News, News in Lothian
Hyslop Visits SAMH in Bathgate Local Constituency MSP has visited the SAMH Assisted Accommodation offices in Bathgate to hear about the experiences of service users and to meet some of the staff working with local people in Bathgate. Following the visit, Fiona said; “It was great to meet some of the SAMH service users in Bathgate today (Sept 25th) and hear from them how SAMH has been helping them work through their own personal issues. “As well as assisting local people with their accommodation needs, the friendly and supportive staff are on hand to meet with service users and chat to them and to encourage and assist them to participate in any hobbies or interest they have. “Even a small amount of communication with someone every day can make such…
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Fiona Hyslop Comments on CAA Decision to Halt Airport Review

News, News in Lothian
Fiona Hyslop Comments on CAA Decision to Halt Airport Review Local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop has been advised by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) that they had informed Edinburgh Airport Limited (EAL) on 21st of September 2017 that they will not be continuing with Stage 5 of the Airspace Change Process following the airport’s formal application on 4th August. The decision for which primarily relates to technical aspects of the proposal, as well as a delay in receiving elements of the submission. Fiona commented: “This is another setback for Edinburgh Airport in terms of their flight path proposals but also in terms of the confidence local people have in the consultation as a whole. “In their correspondence to me the CAA have stated that their decision does not reflect concerns…
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