Local MSP, Fiona Hyslop, Raises Concerns Over Planning Application for Wester Inch Village

News, News in Lothian
Fiona Hyslop MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency has written to the Chief Executive of West Lothian Council to raise concerns over the recent planning application (1097/FUL/21) regarding Wester Inch Village. The planning application is for the erection of 5 commercial units, 46 residential properties, 15 flats and land for a future community facility in Wester Inch Village. Fiona commented: “Residents of Wester Inch Village have been waiting a long time for commercial units, and whilst it’s good news that commercial units are part of the planning application, the erection of more housing is an issue. “Additional housing within Wester Inch will lead to more pressure on already limited resources, will reduce green space within the Village, and lead to increased traffic congestion” “I have written to the Chief Executive of…
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Local MSP, Fiona Hyslop, Calls on West Lothian Premises to Sign up for Period App

News, News in Lothian
Fiona Hyslop MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency is calling for community spaces in West Lothian who currently offer free period products to join the new PickUpMyPeriod App that allows users to identify locations where period products can be accessed for free in Scotland. The PickUpMyPeriod app currently links to over 700 venues in many communities where free products are available, but not all premises who offer this, have downloaded the app to highlight that they’re part of the initiative. Fiona commented, “This is another ground-breaking project on the road to fight period poverty. Scotland was the first country in the world to make period products widely available for free – firstly in schools, colleges and universities, then followed by wider access in communities - and we should be very proud…
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Local MSP, Fiona Hyslop, Highlights ‘Spaces for People’ Consultation

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop, encourages West Lothian residents to have their say in the on-going West Lothian Council ‘Spaces for People’ consultation.  ‘Spaces for People’ is a Scottish Government scheme that provided funding for local authorities to promote safe travel. West Lothian residents are being asked to share their views on the temporary Spaces for People measures that were introduced last year. Measures included temporarily reducing speed limits to either 20mph or 40mph, widening footways, suspending parking and introducing new cycle lanes. The consultation was launched on the 1st of December and will be open until the end of January 2022. Fiona commented: "It is important for local people to have their say on matters which affect the local population, and West Lothian residents can do…
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Local MSP Fiona Hyslop Highlights Scotland’s Year of Stories 2022

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop, highlights the designation of 2022 as Scotland’s Year of Stories. Scotland’s Themed Years have been in effect since 2009 as a way to recognise and celebrate a particular aspect of the country and have been taking place biennially since 2016. Previous examples of themed years are the Year of Food and Drink 2015, the Year of Young People 2018, and the Year of Coasts and Waters 2021. This year, Scotland’s Year of Stories, will celebrate stories written in or inspired by Scotland. To showcase this part of Scotland’s culture, a programme of activities centred around the theme of storytelling will be designed and delivered, which will also support the nation’s tourism and events sectors. Events will be run by community groups, museums,…
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Local MSP, Fiona Hyslop, Welcomes Work of Warm Homes Scheme

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop, has welcomed the impact of a scheme aimed at helping homes become warmer, more comfortable and more affordable to heat in her constituency. Warmer Homes Scotland is the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme which has supported 313 people in Linlithgow since its launch in 2015, with each of the homes saving an average of £265 on their energy bills. The Warmer Homes Scotland scheme provides a step-by-step service to identify where energy improvements can be made and arranges for these to be carried out. The scheme offers new central heating systems, including renewable heating technologies, in all property types and in all regions across Scotland. All work carried out as part of the scheme is undertaken by registered and accredited local…
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Local Constituency MSP Fights for Retention of Low Port Mural 

News, News in Lothian
Local Constituency MSP for Linlithgow, Fiona Hyslop, has written to Historic Environment Scotland and Creative Scotland regarding the future of James Cumming's final masterpiece, the mural in Linlithgow's Low Port Centre. Fiona Hyslop has added her support to a letter from the artist's daughter, who is also the Chief Art Critic at The Observer, calling for the retention of her late father's final work, which is situated in Linlithgow's Low Port Centre, currently up for sale by West Lothian Council. Fiona commented, ‘I am very concerned that by selling off the Low Port Centre in Linlithgow, West Lothian Council are in danger losing the important James Cumming Mural painted behind the main staircase in the building which is quite unique, reflects the spirit of Linlithgow and is irreplaceable.’ "The artwork…
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Local Constituency MSP Highlights Beecraigs Festive Forest in Parliament

News, News in Lothian
Local Linlithgow Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop, has lodged a motion in the Scottish Parliament congratulating the organisers and staff behind Beecraigs Festive Forest in Linlithgow on another successful event. Fiona's motion also commended the hard work put in by staff and volunteers alike to make the event come together for visitors from Linlithgow, wider West Lothian and beyond. Fiona commented, "I was delighted to visit the Beecraigs Festive Forest again this year, it was a magical light show filled with Christmas nostalgia and joy. "I was also pleased to see stalls inside the forest selling LinGin and Aran Café goods, encouraging visitors who came to the Festive Forest to invest in our small and local businesses. "The work put in by the organisers over the last couple of years to…
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Christmas Message for the Linlithgow Gazette December 2021

News, News in Lothian
As we look ahead to 2002, we will all be reflecting on a 2021 which brought many difficulties, but also periods of respite where restrictions lifted and we were able to do more and meet people again and society and the economy started to recover. Now with a new Covid variant Omicron spreading fast especially in West Lothian we must all try and stay safe and get fully vaccinated and boosted to protect ourselves, protect others and protect the NHS which is facing severe pressures this winter. For many, it was still a year of personal loss and I want to express my deepest sympathies to those who have lost loved ones this year. It has been a very hard year for so many, and my thoughts are with all…
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Local MSP, Fiona Hyslop, Highlights Local Advice Services for the People of West Lothian

News, News in Lothian
Local Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop, highlights local services which may be of use to local residents of West Lothian over the festive period and winter. There are services available to help local residents with energy costs, benefits, housing, debt, immigration and Covid. Fiona commented: ‘This has been an exceptionally difficult year for many – the dual impact of Covid and Brexit has left many people in West Lothian worse off. ‘With rising living costs and an on-going pandemic, I wanted to highlight to residents of West Lothian where they can seek advice and guidance. We have some great services in West Lothian including the Advice Shop, West Lothian Citizens Advice Bureau, as well as services such as the Food Bank, Food Train, and the School Bank. ‘There are also national…
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Local MSP, Fiona Hyslop Welcomes Over £3.4 Billion Investment for Sustainable Travel in West Lothian

News, News in Lothian
Local Constituency MSP Welcomes Over £3.4 Billion Investment for Sustainable Travel  in West Lothian Local Constituency MSP for Linlithgow, Fiona Hyslop, has warmly welcomed over £3.4bn investment for transport announced in the Scottish Government’s draft budget last week, to increase sustainable travel in West Lothian The investment in the 2022/23 draft budget dedicates £314 million to support concessionary bus travel scheme which older people and disabled people are already benefitting from, with £110 million earmarked specifically for expanding the scheme to under 22s in West Lothian and across Scotland. It also invests a record £150 million to support high quality active travel for people walking, wheeling and cycling in across the county as well as £35 million in the next year to support Scotland’s Zero Emission Bus Challenge Fund and…
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