Local MSP Highlights Cost of Living Crisis Support

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop, highlights new Cost of Living resource from the Scottish Government. The Scottish Government has launched a new website to help people across Scotland with the Cost of Living. The website has a range of information available to users including information on support available to households’ facing energy, housing and other rising costs. Commenting Fiona said; “I am pleased to see this new resource from the Scottish Government to help households across the country deal with the Cost of Living Crisis. “The website provides information on energy bills, benefits, debt and money, health and wellbeing and support for older or disabled people. “I would urge my Constituents to visit the site and use the information provided by the Scottish Government to support households…
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MSP Comment on Minister for Zero Carbon Building, Active Travel & Tenants’ Rights visit to Linlithgow with Solar Energy Scotland

News, News in Lothian
Commenting on the visit of the Minister for Zero Carbon Building, Active Travel & Tenants’ Rights, Patrick Harvie MSP, to Linlithgow to meet with Solar Energy Scotland at Linlithgow Sports Club on Friday 23rd September, Fiona Hyslop MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency said: “I am pleased that the Minister has visited Linlithgow and visited the solar energy project at the Rugby Club, part of a successful local project with local businesses and organisations, and learns of the need for Government to provide some facilitation and resource funding as the benefits are significant in the road to Net Zero for our towns. “I am proud of the hard work, passion and ingenuity of those involved in the towns energy projects and the Linlith-go-Solar project is a great example of strong community-led…
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Fiona Hyslop Highlights West Lothian based international business successes in Parliament

News, News in Lothian
Fiona Hyslop MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency has highlighted a number of international businesses in West Lothian in a speech on the importance of Inward Investment and Exporting companies in Parliament. Fiona spoke about Mitsubishi Electrics with their £15m investment announcement, Q2 Solutions whose European Life Sciences Lab operate from Livingston, Shin – Etsu whose European semiconductor company is also based in Livingston and exporters Calnex Solutions in Linlithgow whose test instrumentation for network synchronization has secured orders from over 600 customer sites in 68 countries across the world. Fiona commented, “Some of the most successful inward investment and export businesses in Scotland are in my own area of West Lothian including Mitsubishi Electrics, Shin-Etsu, Q2 Solutions and Calnex Solutions which I visited recently. “Businesses like these choose West Lothian…
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Fiona Hyslop Encourages Young Constituents to Contribute to National Discussion on Education

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop, is encouraging all young people in her constituency to join the National Discussion on the future of education in Scotland. The Scottish Government have launched a National Discussion to gain as many views and experiences as possible from young people to find out what kind of education, skills, knowledge and support young people will need 20 years from now. Fiona commented, “There has not been a Government led national conversation around the education sector for some time and things have changed immensely in recent years. It is only right that the views, ideas and experiences of our young people today are sought for the future. “I would encourage my constituents who are aged 3-18, and their parents, guardians or carers to submit…
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Local MSP Calls on West Lothian Council to Ensure no Young Person Misses Out on Free Bus Pass

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop, has written to West Lothian Council to ask what more can be done in schools and council facilities to help children and young people apply for their free pass.In welcoming the news that 15,987 children and young people across West Lothian are benefitting from the SNP Scottish Government's free bus travel scheme, Fiona has said she wishes to see uptake increase even further. Fiona has written to West Lothian Council to find out what is currently being done to support young people to apply for their pass and how efforts can be increased.Fiona said:“It's wonderful to see 15,987 children and young people in West Lothian already benefiting from the SNP's Government's free bus travel scheme."But I want all children and young people…
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Local MSP Named ScotLink Nature Champion for Blanket Bogs

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency Fiona Hyslop has been named the Scottish Environment Link Nature Champion for Blanket Bogs. The Nature Champion initiative was established by Scottish Environment Link and encourages members of the Scottish Parliament to champion threatened species and priority habitats by raising awareness and promoting action to restore and safeguard Scotland’s natural environment. Blanket Bogs are a rare habitat globally and are a type of peatland found in places with cool, wet, and usually oceanic climates. Blanket Bogs are so important for biodiversity that they are listed on Annex 1 of Scotland’s Biodiversity List, and as a Priority Habitat under the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. Fiona commented: “I am pleased to share that I am now Scottish Environment Link’s Nature Champion for Blanket Bogs. “Blanket Bogs…
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Local MSP Thanks Team at the Voluntary Sector Gateway West Lothian

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop, visited the Voluntary Sector Gateway West Lothian in Bathgate on Wednesday 17th August. Voluntary Sector Gateway West Lothian is the Third Sector Interface operating in West Lothian who work from their offices known as ‘The Gateway’ in Bathgate. Voluntary Sector Gateway West Lothian are a membership organisation of locally based charities, social enterprises and volunteer-led community organisations. They aim to strengthen the third-sector and create partnerships within the local community that can deliver change by connecting people, resources and ideas. Commenting Fiona said: “I was pleased to visit the Gateway, where I was able to meet the members of the Board and thank them for their important work. I also received an insightful and helpful update on the work of the Voluntary…
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Local MSP calls for more energy efficiency work in homes as she meets Everwarm based in Bathgate

News, News in Lothian
Local MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop, visited Everwarm in Bathgate on Wednesday 17th August and visited  a home installation being carried out by Everwarm in Winchburgh where new a new boiler and radiators had been installed that day. Everwarm, who are based in Bathgate, employ over 350 members of staff and provide domestic and non-domestic services, aiming to deliver energy efficiency in all their work, with renewable energies seeing a huge growth within the business. Everwarm also deliver the Scottish Government’s flagship national fuel poverty scheme, Warmer Homes Scotland. Warmer Homes Scotland provides households with insulation, efficient heating and renewable technologies in order to help with the rising cost of energy bills. This helps make homes warmer, more comfortable and importantly, more affordable. Commenting Fiona said: “I was pleased…
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Local MSP Demands Action From UK Government Over Spiralling Energy Costs

News, News in Lothian
Local SNP MSP for the Linlithgow Constituency, Fiona Hyslop, has demanded urgent action from the UK Government to financially support people with spiralling energy costs. Fiona has called on the UK Government to scrap the upcoming increase to the energy cap, double the energy grant to £800 and ensure all payments are made by the beginning of October, introduce an energy price cap for Small and Medium Enterprises and bring in a further windfall tax and extend it to include all large businesses who made significant profits during the pandemic. A recent study found that 72.8% of those living in Scotland will fall into fuel poverty by January 2023 without further action from the UK government. The SNP Scottish Government is using its limited powers to extend eligibility for and…
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Local MSP, Fiona Hyslop, Meets with Whitburn Community Development Trust

News, News in Lothian
The meeting included visits to established projects run by the Trust including the Community Garden and Community Fridge followed by a discussion on the Trust’s future proposals for a community asset transfer of Whitburn’s Library building. Commenting on the visit, Fiona said: “The valuable work of the Trust through the COVID pandemic to support the most vulnerable in our society cannot be understated. “It was a pleasure to meet with David, learn more about their fantastic work in and for the local community including the establishment and development of a Community Garden, the produce of which also feeds into the Community Fridge which is for all local residents with the purposes of reducing food waste. “I would encourage Whitburn residents to support the Trust in any way that they can and…
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