Fiona Hyslop MSP Warns Health Minister of Stealth Tactics of West Lothian Integrated Joint Board
Local Linlithgow Constituency MSP, Fiona Hyslop, has voiced serious concerns in the Scottish Parliament about the actions of West Lothian Integrated Joint Board. During a Member’s Debate about the future of St Michael’s Hospital in Linlithgow, on Wednesday May 10th, Fiona took the opportunity to raise the issue of their recent proposals to out-source residential care for the elderly and care at home. Fiona highlighted some of the IJB’s recent decisions, including their announcement of proposals to outsource West Lothian care services for residential care of elderly people and care at home for disabled people and elderly people. Notably, these proposals are being considered partly because of West Lothian Council’s reduced funding for the IJB - despite the fact that West Lothian Council received the second biggest increase to their overall budget…