Fiona Hyslop MSP Named as West Lothian Highland Games Chieftain
Local Constituency MSP Fiona Hyslop has been named as the next Chieftain of the 46th West Lothian Highland Games. The games will take place on Saturday, 27th May at Meadow Park in Bathgate.
Fiona commented;
“I am deeply honoured and delighted to have been asked to be Chieftain of the 46th West Lothian Highland Games in Bathgate. My late father was a snare drummer many years ago with Ayr Pipe Band so this honour is particularly poignant for me.
“2017 is the Year of History, Heritage and Archeology and West Lothian Highland Games are very much part of our heritage so it’s great to be asked to be the Chieftain in this special year.
“With pipe bands, dancing, caber tossing and hill racing to enjoy, I am really looking forward to carrying out my Chieftain duties on Saturday 27th May.”